The Spaghetti Western Orchestra - Live at the Royal Albert Hall 2011 - Full Concert

Oglądalność kawałka The Spaghetti Western Orchestra - Live at the Royal Albert Hall 2011 - Full Concert to obecnie 503834, czas - długość m s, zerknij też na ciekawą dyskusję na jego temat, a ocena wasza to 2335.


Muzyka Country jest super, to jest to.

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The first song is where he shoots the bad guy with the watch. The music comes out of the watch. loved that movie. A bit sad though.
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION.......hey...remember "The Tubes"?
bunch a white punks on dope...BUT...the hall is full...many people paid...and THE show went on...ITS A SHOW>>>LIKE NASCAR AND WRESTLING AND OTHER ASSORTED RIDICULOUS ACTS OF BEHAVIOR THAT HUMANS CREATE AND GO SEE...LIVE WITH IT>>>
Perhaps SC just doesn't 'Get it'. Happens quite a lot in the arts.
Excelente. Muy buenos y con un estilo muy propio. Saludos desde el puerto de Ilo Peru.

Great stuff - thanks for the upload

c'est du grand comique....des cloown's...ça ne me fais pas rire du tout !
The Spaghetti Western Orchestra - Live at the Roy…:

I quite enjoyed this.  Unconventional sure, but so were the Beatles.
thought they was excellent,considering no orchestra or choir,well done
i think they're brilliant!
Whatever it is that the cat is smoking... I don't want it. This is beautiful done with all respect to the original numbers.
Crazy fun!  I think they shot the smoking cat about 3/4 the way thru.
The Good, The Bad And All Ugly.
Spaghetti gone wrong.
What is this? Westerns done by mimes?
Hmm, not my choice of interpretation. Marvellous organ sound but that make up was not meant to be seen in close-up.
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