The Best of Beethoven

Oglądalność kawałka The Best of Beethoven to obecnie 9793370, czas - długość m s, zerknij też na ciekawą dyskusję na jego temat, a ocena wasza to 34716.


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What's the song at
i love this music
Beethoven restera le compositeur le plus apprécié des Français.
 Sa musique classique est envoûtante.
That's the kind of music that can be heard and played by all countries, in all languages... Great Beethoven!!!
Drop the bass!
Buena música, la uso para leer en las noches, donde no hay ruido alguno!!
I was born in 2015 and while I'm not discussing politics, I listen to this kind of music. Not all people from my generation listen to pop and rap
14:00 damn it judge judy
Beethoven was deaf but he created such good songs

Am I the only one who tingles and feels tinie tiny musical vibrations all over while listening to Ludwig
"I don't know Beethoven, but I think, I think you need to add more cowbell."
gracias por compartir estas hermosas   melodias
Great pieces of music as we all know, but this comment goes to those that recorded it. I primarily noticed it in Fur Elise (Per Elisa) ( 1:11:47 ), the fairly obvious noise (albeit once you've first noticed it) of keys, on a keyboard. That suppressed plasticy thut as the keys return home. Not unlistenable, more irritating. No doubt I will be told that "It's a keyboard so they just used the output port to record with.", which is what I thought as well, but nevertheless, that noise I describe is there, so if it's not the sound of keys, are you purposefully spoiling treasures of human creation?
Love how these guys like Beethoven and Mozart have long hair, how fucking rock and roll
What is the name of the song around 57:00 mins?!?
O Melhor, a música instrumental, faz-nos sentirmos vivos e atentos a nossa própria espiritualidade. Com certeza quem não sente essa magnitude na alma, certamente não tenha vivenciado nenhuma experiencia tridimensional em sua vida, ou até mesmo nem sabe o que está fazendo vivo. Beijossssss a todos!!! Viva Beethoven
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