Harlem Gospel Choir - Amazing Grace (EXCLUSIVE)

Oglądalność kawałka Harlem Gospel Choir - Amazing Grace (EXCLUSIVE) to obecnie 5036748, czas - długość 3m 24s, zerknij też na ciekawą dyskusję na jego temat, a ocena wasza to 23916.


Muzyka Country jest super, to jest to.

Waszym zdaniem:

Zobacz co inni sądzą na ten temat.
my god     meu deus
não entendo inlglês que tristesa
En memoria de Las Victimas de Charleston.
En memoria de Las Victimas de Charleston.
May God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give to all Christians peace and love with faith. (Ephesians 6, 23)

DIO, rimanda sulla Terra Tuo Figlio, ORA!!
Ne abbiamo urgente bisogno!!
GOD, refers to Earth Your Son, NOW !!
We urgently need Him!!
For Charleston...

It's beautiful
Thank you Thank you! I receive this message over and over. The intro is the most touching. 
Harlem Gospel Choir - Amazing Grace (EXCLUSIVE) : https://youtu.be/aaKf6P2nhKg
Death metal is way better than shitty gospel
Rt if u cried

this song is simply AMAZING
my soul has been touched by the light of Him.
bless u.
thank u.
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