Drumline - Last Battle

Oglądalność kawałka Drumline - Last Battle to obecnie 7717248, czas - długość 6m 1s, zerknij też na ciekawą dyskusję na jego temat, a ocena wasza to 20005.


Muzyka Country jest super, to jest to.

Waszym zdaniem:

Zobacz co inni sądzą na ten temat.
me: nice
me: goes watches cavaliers drum breaks after this

What are the snare drummers playing at 0:12?
3:14 are you allowed to play on your opponent's drum?
I watch this I'm a amazing drum in the world
lol as if this is actually a thing... ROFL...
.... The concept of battling with drums is every taboo word. Gay, Lame, Stupid, Dumb, Crazy, Fat, ........ . . .
You do know that there isn't ONE notable all-black school in HISTORY that has played like that? Amazing. Congratulations actors, you have great skill.
Drumline - Last Battle
51st highland drummers would slay these guys.
doing what africans do best
Who won who's next you decide
Magnifici filmati sono i miei preferiti quando sono triste li guardo sempre mi fanno star bene 

I can.watch them for ever.
Which team won?
I love hoe aw 0:23 he like, "but your a crash symbol. No skill bro, no skill.
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